Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Devon - April/May 2007

Went down to Devon for Bank holiday weekeknd with Johnnie, Cathy and Oscar.
Lots of beach, sand castles, swimming, kayaking, walks, etc.

It was great. Looking forward to getting back down there again in a few weeks time, I think my kayak misses me....

Stoke beach

Stoke beach is the closest to the barn, about 5 mins away. Has a great rope swing and loads of rock pools.

Lunch at The Ship, Noss Mayo

After a busy day building sand castles, we all went down to The Ship, for some delicious grub.

The beach at Bigbury April 2007

Professional sand castles builder...
and his sidekick...

A lovely sunny day on the beach at Bigbury. Lots of rock pools, sand castles, beach tennis, and then wandered over for a pint in The Pilchard Inn on the island.

Spring flowers

Daisy necklaces.
A strange woodland creature, well camoflaged in the undergrowth.

Kayak ! Kayak! Kayak!

Alex in his birthday present...

Surfs up doooods!

Wetsuite are great - swimming in the sea in April.

Noss Mayo - a walk around the headland April 2007

The Burn Boys ROCK!

Working on thier concept album "RED" in the studio with new drummer "Bear" bashing the skins.

Spider boys

Spider boys...
spider boys...
eat thier tea...
make lots of noise...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dam building Mothecombe Beach 2007_04_08

Great weather for early April. Ben helps Uncle Alex and Charlie with the dam building.

Burn Boys and Hammocks

Alfie and Ben in the Hammock at Johnnie and Cathys.

And approx 30 years ago...